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Social Events

March Social Activity

What: Painting Mandalas

Where: Honors Room, HUM 131

When: Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 4:00–6:00 pm

Why: To have a social activity with other interested students.

Who: You, your Honors Program friends, and your non-Honors Program friends

How: Paints and mandalas

How much: Free


Pizza With Professors

What: Learn about the Fall semester Honors course offerings

Where: Founders Hall

When: Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 5:00–6:00 pm

Why: To eat pizza, have a social activity with other interested students.

Who: You, your Honors Program friends, and your non-Honors Program friends

How: Paints and mandalas

How much: Free



 Spring 2025 Field Trip!

What: Natural History Museum of Utah

Where 1: 301 Wakara Way, University of Utah campus, Salt Lake City, Utah

Where 2: Board Snow College bus on Center Street just south of the Lucy Phillips Building.

When: Tuesday, March 25, 2025. Bus boarding begins at 9:15 am, bus leaves promptly at 9:30 am. Leave Salt Lake City after dinner. Arrive back in Ephraim at about 8:30 pm.

Why: To have a social and co-curricular activity with other interested students.

Who: You, your Honors Program friends, and your non-Honors Program friends

How: Snow College bus

How much: Members of the Honors Program may attend free of charge. Students who are not in the Honors Program should pay $5 at the cashier's office (tell the cashier "code HTRP") and upload a scan of the receipt with your registration.

RSVP: If you plan to go, please fill out this registration form to get on the list. Seats are limited; first come, first served; Honors Program students will be given priority. Non-Honors students, please upload a photo/scan of your receipt with your registration.

Fine Print:  Bring a lunch or money to buy food for lunch. Dinner will be provided. You may optionally bring water and snacks for the bus if you want to. If this field trip causes you to miss class, please contact your professor(s) before we go.

About the museum: Twelve permanent exhibitions—filling four levels at the Museum—explore billions of years of Utah's incredible natural history. An additional special exhibit gallery hosts exciting traveling exhibitions from international exhibit developers that rotate every several months. More info about the history of the museum here.


February Social Activity

What: Trivia Night

Where: Honors Room, HUM 131

When: Tuesday, February 4, 2025, 5:00–6:00 pm

Why: To have a social activity with other interested students. And to eat pizza.

Who: You, your Honors Program friends, and your non-Honors Program friends

How: Test your knowledge

How much: Free





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